Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mental Opression and "The Banking Concept of Education"

The greatest weapon a man can possess is knowledge. Knowledge is not merely storing facts and data, but an understanding of what information means and how it can be used to solve problems. To those in power, an enemy with true knowledge is a serious threat that must be avoided at all costs. In Paulo Feire’s  “The Banking Concept of Education” he states his belief that intentionally spreading ignorance is “…a characteristic of the ideology of oppression…” How would a teacher go about spreading ignorance disguised as knowledge? This is where Freire’s idea of “The Banking Concept of Education” comes in to play. Memorizing facts and information is not the same thing as learning to solve problems and apply knowledge. By forcing students to merely “Bank” facts and data, teachers can spread ignorance and prevent the students from learning. When people are not taught to think critically, they are merely a sponge that knows nothing of the data it holds, but is only able to regurgitate facts and has no mind of its own. In this way, refusal of a proper education is truly a form of oppression that can keep any rebel at bay. When people are brain-washed and do not think for themselves, they will believe anyone who can think for them.

Freire, Paulo. The Banking Concept of Education. Print.

1 comment:

  1. nice comments. I particularly like how you speak about the necessity of applying knowledge not merely in order to conform, but to "think critically."
